Wednesday, March 17, 2010

EDUC 7105 Module 1 "Metaphors of Educators"

I believe that at one point in any given day an educator would fall into one of the categories, depending on the class or student. I personally like the "Educator ad Concierge". "The concierge serves to provide a form of "soff guidance"- at times incorporating traditionl lectures and, in other instances, permitting lerners to explore on their own (Siemens, 2008). As an educator you have to know when to teach your students and when you should let them explore new ideas on their own. Personally, this is a hard one for me, I sometimes want to give the students the answer instead of guiding them with a question, though I'm working on it. I also like the idea of students learning from each other as well as the educator. Students sometimes learn more from or listen to each other more than an adult, since they're using language that they easily understand.


Siemens, G. (2008, January 27). Learning and knowing in networks: Changing roles for educators and designers. Paper presented to ITFORUM. Retrieved from


  1. Shauna,

    I agree that you have to give students time to explore their interest. I think this helps build critical thinking skills. If you give students the tools and desired outcome, they should be able to work through it and figure it out. I have found that students have gotten so lazy and are so quick to say "I don't know", without even reading the instructions. They have gotten used to someone giving the answers and not making them think. I think the only way to fix is this is by making students do more work and exploration can keep their interest and keep them involved.


  2. Hi Shauna:

    I do concur that educators have to be prepared to fit all kinds of shoes. Teachers are constantly faced with many kinds of students and often have to adjust their roles, techniques, strategies, attitudes to adequately satisfy their needs. I do believe that whatever the metaphor or analogy teachers should be prepared to adjust. This can be very difficult, since educators also possess their own teaching and learning styles. However, the students they have should determine their styles and techniques, which makes it complicated.

    All the best,


  3. Hi ladies,

    You both are correct. Latoya I thought it was just my sped students who were quick to say I don't know without looking at or reading the problems before hand. But it's all students, I tell my students to at least try the problem first. I also found that the students will not read the directions which is critical. If you can't read them let me know, if you don't understand them let me rephrase for you. Then they get mad when you tell them to do it over. If you would've asked these questions before hand you wouldn't have to do it again is what I constantly say.

    Soushira, yes teachers have their own preferred styles of teaching and it is hard to come out of that shell. But, its in the best interest for the student is what you have to remind yourself. In the end you sometimes find a new way to teach that you enjoy and is less stressful on you and the student.

