Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Module 4

Social networks have gotten me in touch with people I haven't seen or heard from in years. A lot of my family members are on Facebook and when my grandparents were sick, it was a good way to keep them updated on how things went with surgeries and how they were doing. Using Facebook helped me avoid long drawn out conversations that I didn't feel like making at the end of the day. It also connected me to some family members I never really spoken to before. E-mailing has helped me keep in touch with co-workers as well as the board when I had a quesstion about pay, sick leave or PLU's. Basically these connections help make my life easier to get into connect with others.

I learn by reading, since getting into this program I've learned about blogs. I like learning about what others think and their views on topics that I've never heard of before. I also like to use google. When I'm not sure about something I google it. Even just watching tv if I hear something interesting I take out the blackberry and google the information.


  1. Hi Shauna:

    I admire your comfort with the social networking tools, like facebook. I just don’t like it. However, I understand and appreciate its role in connecting people. Those who enjoy meeting new people and connecting to friends enjoy its benefit. I just prefer the telephone. It is therefore necessary for teachers to employ a variety of technologies so students can chose which is most comfortable and tasteful for them.


  2. Hello Shauna,

    I agree with your post about how social networking has made life so much easier. I immediately think about the risk as well. Because parents are not knowledgeable about these services it has become so dangerous for teenagers and children. I think about all the bullying that takes place on these sites and kids lying about their age, I know that this is a problem because of parental issues. I know that for whatever is good out there people will find a negative way to use it. I do agree with Soushira's post also, because of all the social networking people don't communicate personally as much. I know as an educator I remember when kids starting using all those shortcuts for words. It directly affected the classroom because they tried to bring that language in the class. But for the most part it is a helpful way to keep in touch and learn.

