Sunday, November 8, 2009

Module 5

I have to admit that I'm very much stuck in teaching in static technology. I love technology and I use the available technology in the classroom ie. smartboard, cps, online games, but that's where the technology ends. I never thought to use blogging in my class, especially when I taught English. I think this would've been a great way to let students express their thoughts or maybe even a wiki space. Since taking this class I have begun to think of new ways to incorporate technology into my class other than online math games. I'm teaching a scripted remedial math program to our special ed students and it really doesn't offer any leeway to teaching the class. I have done some video, where the students teach the lessons, but I think that's still static technology. I have shared some ideas to my neighboring co-worker who teaches technology. She already uses wikis to share her lessons to her students but I showed her the wiki I have for my other class where we post our assignments and she liked it and is going to try a similar thing for her classes.

I am open to any suggestions on how to use dynamic technologies in my class.

Link to my mind map


  1. Shauna,
    I would like to become more dynamic in my teaching as well. While I will use this technology for this class, I am only just begining to think of using it in my classroom. Perhaps very soon I can say that I have become more dynamic than static. Right now, I'm open to the possibilities,too.

  2. Shauna,
    I notice that you placed Chat in the static column of communication. While I did not think to include it on my map, what made you put it in the static column?
