Monday, November 16, 2009

Video Presentation: Games in Education


  1. Shauna,
    I found your video fascinating and very well done. I really found your topic relevant to my own situation with my students.You were informative and the video was superb!

  2. Shauna,

    It was great talking with you via skype tonight! Your video was very informative concerning games in the classroom. I had not really thought about the other aspects associated with gaming such as creating new pathways. I saw you have a smartboard in your classroom which allows for interactive gaming. One aspect of your video you might want to try next time is to use audacity for some of your voice over so you can also add music as a background sound. I look forward to many more skype conversations with you! Good luck on your next assignment.

  3. I viewed you video and found it quite interesting. You were able to bring your classroom interaction into the video and your transition was nicely done.

  4. Shauna,
    I noticed that you used video to record yourself and your classroom. I had thought of using this idea to record my classroom but I really could not find a way to relate my classroom to my topic. I like the way your slides transition and I thought the content of the video was good.

    Ametha Williams

  5. You did a great job integrating yourself in the video. You had an interesting topic. I like how you integrated your students in the video and was able to demonstrate the use of games in the classroom.

  6. Great video. I think it was creative that you used yourself as the keynote speaker, whereas everyone else went out to find individuals (great job). As for your information, it was very useful and well researched. As society is advancing in video game system, do you think nintendo or sony will great educational games similar to v-tech, to help students in academic areas? Most companies are developing intervention games for school settings but it is not very appealing like the playstation and wii. What are your ideas about the advancements of video consoles for education?

  7. Shauna, how clever of you to be your own keynote speaker! After all, you have done the research and you appear to be quite the authority on gaming -- why not address a group of educators about gaming? In your video you provided direct evidence of the value of gaming by showing students solving problems both by hand and through interactive games. The young man was certainly proud of his correct response when he gave the camera a thumbs-up smile! Talk about an infectious attitude! After viewing your video, who could deny the positive impact gaming could have in education?

  8. Thank you guys for all the positive comments and feedback! I love to integrate games into my classroom it gets the kids excited and in turn gets me excited. I don't believe the mainstream game companies will change directions and make more educational games, I believe that they're making money off what's worked for them in the past and like the old saying if it ain't broke don't try to fix it. But I also think that even though most games that are out there aren't educational for the classroom setting, it is teaching our students valuable lessons.
