Friday, July 30, 2010

Second Life as a Disruptive Technology

How many people wish that they had a better job, a better home or even better looks? Second Life gives people a forum to fulfill their fantasies in a safe environment. People are interested in fantasy look at all the science fiction movies about the future and what may or may not be possible.

I believe that Second Life gives people an outlet to do something that they would never do in real life or are scared to try. In education we tell our students that they can be anything they want to be when they grow up if they work hard. In a virtual reality world they can experience it in a safe environment. For example my friends’ 10 year old daughter joined a virtual reality site and is building a house with characters. At first I thought this was kind of strange then I thought about it, when I was her age I had a dollhouse with dolls and cars, her virtual reality world is an upgrade. She can pick what her dolls look like, change their looks as well as make them speak.,9171,1651500,00.html


  1. Shauna,

    Thank you for your entry on the disruptive nature of Second Life.

    I see the significant things users can do in Second Life that, as Rosedale described, one cannot in real life. One of the aspects of Second Life (as well as in social networking) is the element of truthfulness in disclosing one’s identity. How do I know if the person with whom I am collaborating on a particular venture is, indeed, the one whom he or she says he or she is? In the real world, I can see a face, hear a voice, feel a handshake, and sense an emotion. How will I relate to a person with whom I need to collaborate but am not sure of that persons’ identity. For example, to what extent will a faceless partnership in an educational setting lead to measurable and foreseeable social change?

    And those are just my thoughts!


  2. Hi Shauna, I appreciate your thoughts on Second Life. Yes, people do enjoy fantasy and it seems that they way the world is going people enjoy being incognito or less personal whenever possible. It gives them a forum to pretend and dream. When email and text messaging started to become popular, I dislike the lake of personal touch that it represents. Now, I use these medias everday!

  3. Hi Shauna,

    You have presented some great thoughts about virtual reality and how children enjoy these websites too. My seven year old son loves to go to WebKinz where he brings his real stuffed animals that he plays with to life in a virtual world and plays with them, takes cares of them and gets to play virtual games with them too.

    Do you think virtual web sites like WebKinz or Club Penguin should be allowed in school for students to use?

    Thank you,
    LeAnn :-)

  4. Hi Shauna,
    I think exploring a virtual world would be fun for children. I do think it is a way to reach those quiet students, however, just like any other strategy or technology one would need to keep a balance between the real and virtual world.

